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Archive for the ‘4 Professional’

Ethics Subtopic #2

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Ethics Subtopic #2
  is all about… topic intro starts here…
Please make sure that this “Topic” line begins with the bold, brown text you see above and that the actual topic “Intro” text uses non-bold, black.

Caution:  The blank line you see above the brown Title line contains an invisible white dot as a spacer.  Don’t remove it.  When you have completed your “Intro” section be sure to delete all of these black-colored directions.  Do NOT delete or change the teal-colored information and square brackets you see below this line (the teal-colored lines will only be visible while you are viewing this page within the editor).

[downloads_box title=”Ethics Subtopic #2 Documents:”]

Back To Main “Ethical Considerations” Page                


Document #1 Title – This is where you will place the mini-abstract intro paragraph for your first PDF document in this sub-topic area…. Notice that the title is BOLD and the mini-abstract content text is not. The green link box will go BELOW each mini-abstract. Your mini-abstract should always contain all of the main, important Key Words that would most likely be used by a visitor when doing a search for publication like this one.  Click the “Add Media” button at top of this editor to upload your PDF file… copy it’s URL once the upload has completed.  Finally, double-click the green link bar below to change its text and to paste in the PDF file URL.

Place PDF document #1 title here        

Document #2 Title – This is where you will place the mini-abstract intro paragraph for your second PDF document in this sub-topic area…. Notice that the title is BOLD and the mini-abstract content text is not. The green link box will go BELOW each mini-abstract. Your mini-abstract should always contain all of the main, important Key Words that would most likely be used by a visitor when doing a search for publication like this one.  Click the “Add Media” button at top of this editor to upload your PDF file… copy it’s URL once the upload has completed.  Finally, double-click the green link bar below to change its text and to paste in the PDF file URL.

Place PDF document #2 title here        


Tutorial:  How to place a green “Download” button onto this page that will link to a PDF file currently stored within our Media Library.

Step #1:  Open a new, blank post in a new tab. Name it appropriately & click the “Publish” button.

Step #2:  Drag (select) everything in this Template post.  Right-click the selection and choose “COPY“.

Step #3:  Click on the tab of the newly named and published post.  Right-click somewhere in the large, empty, text editor window and choose “PASTE“.

Step #4:  Go back to this original Template post and close it so it won’t be accidentally changed.  Caution: DON’T save it

Step #5:  In your new post type in the Title for File #1 using the bold & underlined template text you see below this line… go ahead, type right over the top of the example text… it preserves the color and font attributes that way.  Be sure to add the description also.

File #1 Title Goes Here – The description of that file, including important “Key” words, should go here.  Make sure it uses this teal colored text.


Step #6:  Open the “Media” library in a new tab.  Find the PDF file you wish to link to within this post.  Click on it’s title or click the “Edit” link.

Step #7:  When the edit window opens look in the right margin.  Find the “File URL” for your PDF file.  Drag select the entire URL line or simply do a Right-click & “Select All” and then do a Right-click & “COPY“.

Step #8:  Click the “Update” button to save your work so far.

Step #9:  We are now going to create a green “Download‘ Button that matches the button you see below Step #15.

Step #10:  Place your cursor at the start of the blank line you see directly below your teal-colored file title and description (above Step #6).  This is where your button will be created.

Step #11:  Find and click the “Insert Button” tool (last icon in top “tools” row).  When the “Insert Button” window opens immediately Right-click & “PASTE” your saved PDF URL into the correct field.

Step #12:  In the “Text” field type:  “Click to View or Right-click to Download file”.  (or you can do a direct COPY & PASTE using the text we’ve typed in this step)

Step #13:  The “Text Color” field can stay white (#ffffff) but you will need to change the “Button Color” to #189c0e.  The box should turn green.

Step #14:  The “Type” of button should be “Glossy Rounded” and the “Size” should be “Extra Small“.  Nothing else needs to be changed.  When you click the “Insert” button your new green button should appear in the blank line above Step #6.   Double-click on a green link button bar if your need to re-edit it’s URL, color, size, etc..

Step #15:  To avoid confusion it is recommended that you select and delete the original example green button you see below.  Do it NOW.

Example “Download” Button
  Click to View or Right-click to Download file        

Step #16:  As long as you are deleting the example button this would be a good time to also delete everything you see in BLACK text… Steps #1 to Step #17.

Step #17:  CAUTION:  Do NOT delete ANY teal colored lines… especially the one you see directly below… the one in square brackets that says “/downloads_box“.

Step #18:  If you wish to create a link to a different Post or Page… open a new tab and use it to visit the main “Posts” or “Pages” file list… find the post or page you wish to link to… hover your cursor over the file name until the word “View” appears… drag the word “View” over to the tab containing the post you have been editing… hover on the tab until the editor window opens… drop the word onto a blank line down in the editor window… type WITHIN the word “View” to change it into an appropriate description of where this link will lead the visitor… click the “Update” button… Done!    Note:  you may also simply highlight the word “View” and do a Copy & Paste into your editor window if your browser (ex: MS IE) does not support dragging and dropping between tabs!


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11 hammer 145Curator:  Vincent S. Cronin  Ph.D., P.G.
Professor of Geology, Engineering Geology, Neotectonics and GeoEthics
Company / School Affiliation / etc.
Lorena, TX
Professional Website URL   (optional)

red line - 495


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Geoscience Library of Applied Technology